Blank Canvas LA
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Blank Canvas LA
Pushing the boundaries of art and advertising



Clients We Have Worked With


1301 OutsideIn Line


Alfred Cafe

American Airlines

Beyond Wonderland

Blackstar Burgers

Blast from the Past


Burbank Towncenter

Capitol Records


Cheesecake Factory

City of Burbank 

City of West Hollywood


Duck Foot






Kendra Scott

Kylie Cosmetics

LAUSD School

Local Roots 


Mystic Museum

North Italia

Paul Frank


Red Bull 

Reebok LA


Saje Wellness

School of Rock

Sony Pictures

The Linq Hotel

Thunderbird PDX

West Hollywood Gateway


We specialize in various visual arts, and we pride ourselves on conceiving and executing the highest quality murals of any size.

Robert “Dytch66” Gomez, Nona Harrison Gomez




Robert “Dytch66” Gomez, Creative Director & Lead Artist

Born and raised in Los Angeles. Robert became a graffiti artist at an early age. Through the mid-80’s, he practiced his art in the streets to later become a part of the world famous CBS crew in the early-90’s. Soon after, he refined his skills at the Los Angeles Academy of Figurative Art to later become one of the leading visual artists and muralists of his generation. Gomez’s work can be found in a madrid of public and private art collections; showcasing a mastery of photorealism and three dimensional art. Gomez has been seen in numerous exhibitions worldwide.

Nona Gomez, Development VP & Business Manager

A Los Angeles native, Nona's experience in both large and small business settings has given her the skills to handle any project with ease. As a serial entrepreneur, Nona knows how important organization is for success. Her ability as a Development VP and Business Manager means that she will be bringing her A-game to all projects, and will have a keen focus on keeping projects on track and staying within budget.


Our Story


Since the 90s, I have always tried to paint highly detailed art with spray paint — which can be very difficult when you don't physically touch the surface and you have to rely on full hand eye coordination. By being able to execute the style of art that I create with the spray can, it's very unique and hard to accomplish without several years of training. I've been doing this for 30 years. Besides my decades of experience, something that sets us apart is our keen eye for details. I don’t care if it’s from 5 feet away or 100 feet away, I want it to look great and have the same quality. We provide exceptional service from the moment you contact us, to the production of the piece, to every last fine detail. 

I believe I overcome my challenges by staying focused and the idea that art will always be a part of my life.  I tend to be a quiet person, but very observant. I like to express myself through my art. I would like to think that everyone has a different process in how they create. When I'm designing a piece of art, I like to start with the storytelling. From there I try to find all the elements that I want to add to my story, like the figures, landscapes, lettering, textures and colors. And then start drawing and try to figure out how to puzzle everything together. Sometimes it flows and everything comes to life instantly and other times it can be a painful process that can go on for days. This is the struggle we all deal with and one of the hardest parts of being an artist. But when you learn to rise above this, is when you find your way.

One of the most important factors behind my success is being passionate about what I do and being able to reflect myself in my work. I liked spending time trying to refine my artwork to get the best results possible. With our mural company, Blank Canvas LA, it was important for us to have professionalism with everything we do, because we treat everything with care and integrity to create the highest quality of work. In my eyes, it was a reflection of what I've learned along the way with all of the trial and error. This was a way for me to apply all of my talents to do something bigger than myself. Blank Canvas LA has been able to succeed by the efforts that my wife, Nona, and myself have put into the company. We are constantly open to refining ourselves as business owners and creators.


Robert “Dytch66” Gomez Portfolio


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Quality, Imagination, and Experience 

  • Depends on the size and the artwork. Give us a call at 323-481-8827 or send us an email ( for more information

  • This all depends on the size and detail. It can take anywhere from 5. days to a month. Give us a call at 323-481-8827 or send us an email ( for more information

  • We can and will paint any size you need

  • We will paint anything you would like want, BUT we will not paint someone else's style of art

  • Montana Gold Spray paint

  • Give us a call at 323-481-8827 or send us an email for more information

  • If you have a deadline, please contact us ASAP. The sooner the better so we may reserve time for your project.

  • Blank Canvas will happily travel to complete a custom mural for your personal residence or commercial estate. Give us a call at 323-481-8827 or send us an email for more information.

  • Please make sure the wall is even, clean, and not flaking. This will need to be done before we put a primer on the wall.

  • The paint we use is acrylic and drys in less than a minute and doesn’t leave an odor after painting.